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Ingredients : Unrefined African Shea Butter 100%
Shea butter is fat that’s extracted from the nuts of the shea tree. It’s solid at warm temperatures and has an off-white or ivory color. Shea trees are native to West Africa, and most shea butter still comes from that region.
Shea butter has been used as a cosmetic ingredient for centuries. Its high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids — combined with its easy-to-spread consistency — make it a great product for smoothing, soothing, and conditioning your skin.
Curious? Here are 22 reasons to add it to your routine, how to use it, and more.
1. It’s safe for all skin types
Shea butter is technically a tree nut product. But unlike most tree nut products, it’s very low in the proteins that can trigger allergies.
In fact, there’s no medical literature documenting an allergy to topical shea butter.
Shea butter doesn’t contain chemical irritants known to dry out skin, and it doesn’t clog pores. It’s appropriate for nearly any skin type.
2. It’s moisturizing
Shea butter is typically used for its moisturizing effects. These benefits are tied to shea’s fatty acid content, including linoleic, oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids.
When you apply shea topically, these oils are rapidly absorbed into your skin. They act as a “refatting” agent, restoring lipids and rapidly creating moisture.
This restores the barrier between your skin and the outside environment, holding moisture in and reducing your risk of dryness.
3. It won’t make your skin oily
Shea butter contains high levels of linoleic acid and oleic acid. These two acids balance each other out. That means shea butter is easy for your skin to fully absorb and won’t make your skin look oily after application.
4. It’s anti-inflammatory
The plant esters of shea butter have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties.
When applied to the skin, shea triggers cytokines and other inflammatory cells to slow their production.
This may help minimize irritation caused by environmental factors, such as dry weather, as well as inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema.
5. It’s antioxidant
Shea butter has significant levels of vitamins A and E, which means it promotes strong antioxidant activity.
Antioxidants are important anti-aging agents. They protect your skin cells from free radicals that can lead to premature aging and dull-looking skin.
6. It’s antibacterial
A 2012 study suggests that oral doses of shea bark extract can lead to decreased antimicrobial activity in animals.
Although more research is needed, this could indicate possible antibacterial benefits in humans.
Because of this, some speculate that topical application may decrease the amount of acne-causing bacteria on the skin.
7. It’s antifungal
Shea tree products have been established as powerful ingredients to fight skin infections caused by fungi.
While shea butter may not be able to treat every kind of fungal infection, we know that it kills spores of the fungi that causes ringworm and athlete’s foot.
8. It may help prevent acne
Shea butter is rich in different kinds of fatty acids. This unique composition helps clear your skin of excess oil (sebum).
At the same time, shea butter restores moisture to your skin and locks it in to your epidermis, so your skin doesn’t dry out or feel “stripped” of oil.
The result is a restoration of the natural balance of oils in your skin — which may help stop acne before it starts.
9. It helps boost collagen production
Shea butter contains triterpenes. These naturally occurring chemical compounds are thought to deactivate collagen fiber destruction.
This may minimize the appearance of fine lines and result in plumper skin.
10. It helps promote cell regeneration
Shea’s moisturizing and antioxidant properties work together to help your skin generate healthy new cells.
Your body is constantly making new skin cells and getting rid of dead skin cells. You actually get rid of anywhere between 30,000 to 40,000 old skin cells each day.
Dead skin cells sit on the top. New skin cells form at the bottom of the upper layer of skin (epidermis).
With the right moisture balance on the surface of your skin, you’ll have fewer dead skin cells in the way of fresh cell regeneration in the epidermis.
11. It may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scarring
It’s thought that shea butter stops keloid fibroblasts — scar tissue — from reproducing, while encouraging healthy cell growth to take their place.
This may help your skin heal, minimizing the appearance of stretch marks and scarring.
12. It may help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
By boosting collagen production and promoting new cell generation, shea butter may help reduce what researchers call photoaging — the wrinkles and fine lines that environmental stress and aging can create on skin.
13. It offers added sun protection
Shea butter can’t be used by itself as an effective sunscreen.
But using shea butter on your skin does give you some added sun protection, so layer it over your favorite sunscreen on days you’ll be spending outside.
Shea butter contains an estimated SPF of 3 to 4.
14. It may help prevent hair breakage
Shea butter hasn’t been studied specifically for its ability to make hair stronger.
But one 2017 studyTrusted Source found that a chemically similar West African plant made hair significantly more resistant to breakage.
15. It may help treat dandruff
One way to treat dandruff (atopic dermatitis) is to restore moisture to your dry and irritated scalp.
One 2018 reviewTrusted Source found that shea butter, when used in combination with other moisturizers, could help decrease dandruff flakes and reduce risk of flare-ups.
More research is needed to determine how effective shea is when used alone.
16. It may help soothe conditions like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis
Shea’s anti-inflammatory properties help soothe skin and relieve itching. This may prove especially helpful for inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.
Shea also absorbs rapidly, which could mean quick relief for flare-ups.
ResearchTrusted Source even suggests that shea butter could work just as well as medicated creams in treating eczema.
17. It may help soothe sunburn and other skin burns
ResearchTrusted Source suggests that oils may be beneficial for superficial (first-degree) skin burns, such as sunburn.
Shea’s anti-inflammatory components may reduce redness and swelling. Its fatty acid components may also soothe the skin by retaining moisture during the healing process.
Although the researchers in this study established that the use of shea butter, aloe vera, and other natural products is common, more research is needed to assess their efficacy.
18. It may help soothe insect bites
Shea butter has been traditionally used to soothe bee stings and insect bites.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that shea butter may help bring down swelling that bites and stings can cause.
That said, there isn’t any clinical research to support this.
If you’re experiencing severe pain and swelling from stings or bites, consider seeing a health professional and stick to proven treatments.
19. It can help promote wound healing
In addition to reducing underlying inflammation, shea is also linked to the tissue remodeling that’s crucial for treating wounds.
Its protective fatty acids may also help shield wounds from environmental irritants during the healing process.
20. It may help relieve arthritis pain
Arthritis is caused by underlying inflammation in the joints.
A 2016 animal studyTrusted Source on shea oil concentrate suggests that it can help reduce inflammation while also protecting joints from further damage.
Although this study focused on knee joints, these potential benefits could extend to other areas of the body.
21. It may help soothe muscle soreness
Muscles that have been overextended can be affected by inflammation and stiffness as your body repairs muscle tissue.
Shea butter may help sore muscles in the same way it may help joint pain — by reducing inflammation.
22. It may help relieve congestion
A 1979 studyTrusted Source suggests that shea butter may help alleviate nasal congestion.
When used in nasal drops, shea butter may reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.
It could also help reduce mucosal damage, which often leads to nasal congestion.
These effects could be beneficial when dealing with allergies, sinusitis, or the common cold.
Where do all of these benefits come from?
The benefits of shea butter come from its chemical makeup. Shea butter contains:
linoleic, palmitic, stearic, and oleic fatty acids, ingredients that balance oils on your skin
vitamins A, E, and F, antioxidant vitamins that promote circulation and healthy skin cell growth
triglycerides, the fatty part of the shea nut that nourishes and conditions your skin
cetyl esters, the waxy part of the shea nut butter that conditions skin and locks in moisture
Keep in mind that the exact makeup varies according to where the shea nuts are harvested from. You may also find shea butter mixed with added ingredients, such as tea tree oil or lavender oil.
How to use shea butter
On skin
You can apply shea butter directly to your skin. Raw, unrefined shea butter is easy to spread.
You can use your fingers to scoop a teaspoon or so of shea butter from your jar, and then rub it onto your skin until it’s completely absorbed.
Shea butter is slippery and can keep makeup from adhering to your face, so you may prefer to apply it at night before bed.
On hair
Raw shea butter can also be applied directly to your hair.
If your hair is naturally curly or porous, consider using shea butter as a conditioner. Make sure your hair has absorbed most of the shea butter before rinsing and styling as usual. You can also use a small amount of shea butter as a leave-in conditioner.
If your hair is naturally straight, thin, or fine, consider using shea butter on the ends of your hair. Applying shea butter to your roots may cause an oily-looking buildup.
Shea butter should be stored slightly below room temperature, so that it stays solid and easy to spread.
Possible side effects and risks
There are no documented cases of topical shea butter allergies. Even people with tree nut allergies should be able to use shea butter on their skin.
That said, discontinue use if you begin experiencing irritation and inflammation. Seek emergency medical attention if you experience severe pain, swelling, or difficulty breathing.
성분 : 비정제 시어버터 100%
천연 비정제 시어버터
비정제 시어버터 생시어버터와는 조금 다릅니다. 비정제라고 해서 여과를 전혀 안한게 아니라 90도 이상 가열하여 추출을 하고 생시어버터의 영양적 측면 등에 영향을 미치지 않을 정도로만 여과를 한다고 해요. 면직포같은걸로 걸러내는데 다소 원시적인 방법이라서 약간의 불순물이 있을 수는 있습니다. 하지만 시어버터 고유의 영양소를 파괴하지 않을 뿐더러 생시어버터의 부작용을 최소화 시킬 수 있는 가장 좋은 상태입니다.
시어버터는 시어나무의 열매에서 채취한 식물성 유지를 말합니다. 시어나무의 열매 생김새와 버터가 비슷하다고 하여 시어버터라는 이름이 붙여졌다고 합니다. 시어버터는 피부에 뛰어난 작용을 한다고 알려져 있어서 화장품의 원료나 보습제로 많이 쓰이며 특유의 향으로 초콜릿 제조시 코코아버터의 대용품으로도 이용된다고 합니다.
특히 예로부터 아프리카에서는 시어버터를 민간치료제로 많이 사용된만큼 다양한 효능들이 있다고 합니다.
1. 보습작용
시어버터의 가장 대표적인 효능이라고 한다면 보습에 뛰어난 효과입니다. 클레오파트라가 사용했다는 기록이 남아 있을만큼 보습작용에 뛰어난 효능이 있는 시어버터는 수분의 보호막 형성에 뛰어난 작용을 하고 거칠고 건조한 피부를 촉촉하게 해주는데 탁월한 효과가 있다고 합니다.
2. 모발건강
시어버터는 머릿결과 두피건강헤도 많은 도움을 줍니다. 두피에 풍부한 수분과 영양을 공급해줌으로써 모발건강에 뛰어난 효능이 있을뿐만 아니라 모공을 막는 여러 이물질을 없애주는 효과로 탈모예방에도 도움이 됩니다.
3. 피부노화방지
시어버터에는 비타민C를 비롯해 비타민 A, E 등이 고루 합유되어 있어서 피부의 풍부한 영양공급과 함께 주름개선 작용으로 탄력있고 매끈한 피부를 가꾸는데 좋습니다.
4. 자외선 차단
아프리카 원주민들은 예로부터 시어버터를 천연 선크림으로 많이 사용할만큼 자외선 차단에도 뛰어난 작용을 합니다. 올레인산 및 스테아린산 성분들이 자외선으로부터 피부와 모발의 손상을 막아주는데 효과적입니다. 또한 시어버터는 상처나 화상등에도 좋습니다.
5. 피부질환 개선
시어버터는 피부보습 및 재생에도 뛰어난 효과과 있지만 피부의 유해한 염증을 제거하는데 항균작용에도 효과가 큽니다. 특히 아토피, 피부염, 각종 피부 트러블 증상을 완화하는데도 좋은 효과가 있다고 합니다.
시어버터 사용법
① 얼굴 및 피부에 바르는 시어버터 사용법
상온에서는 고체인 상태기에 손바닥에 올려 체온으로 액체가 될때 까지 잘 녹여 준 후 사용부위에 마사지하듯 하루 2~3회 정도 발라주면 됩니다.
② 목욕 할 때 쓰는 시어버터 사용법
욕조에 따뜻한 물을 받아 쉐어버터를 잘 풀어주고 입욕하면 바디로션을 바른 것 처럼 촉촉해지는데 목욕할때 잃게 되는 피부 속 수분을 줄이는데 도움이 됩니다.
③ 모발을 위한 시어버터 사용법
두피 또는 모발에 발라주고 헤어캡 등으로 따뜻해 질 수 있도록 감싸줍니다.
Q: How much water should I boil with how much tea/herb?
A: Generally you boil 20g of tea/herb with 2L. of water. The ratio does not matter. However, it is recommended that you control the
saturation of the tea (how strong it is) depending on your personal preference and body condition.
Q: How do you calculate how much time you should boil water with tea/herb?
A: It depends on the tea/herb.
For leaves: boil for 15~20 min.
For hard fruits, roots, and stems: If you soak the tea/herb in water
for 1~2 hours before boiling, you can save time in boiling, and also get a deeper flavor than without soaking.
Q: Do you sell other tea/herbs not listed on the site?
A: Currently, what is listed on the site is what we mostly deal with in retail stores. However,
if there is a certain tea/herb that you wish to get, you can send an email to Then, we may offer a price for obtaining the tea/herb, answer questions, and even offer purchase.
Q: Can you mix household tea/herbs with Princeherb's tea/herbs?
A: Yes, you can combine 5~10g of teas/herbs that you already have with's teas/herbs.
Although brewing one tea/herb is still good, combining 2~3 teas/herbs helps bring out the remedial effects of the tea/herbs better than brewing just one tea/herb. However, most tea/herbs contain natural toxins, and it is recommended that you boil 1~2 pieces of liquorice root along with the tea/herb to remove the toxin.
Q: What is the direction of Natural Pills & Powder?
A: Pills : 2~3 times a day / 10~20 pills each time. / Powder : Mix 1~2 tsp of powder with water, milk, rice, or soup.
No Caffeine, No Chemical Additives. No Food Color, No Antisepic.
자주 하시는 질문
문: 프린스허브 건강약초는 어떻게 먹어야 하나요?
답: 대체로 2L. 의 물의 양에 20g 의 약재는 차(Tea) 의 개념이므로 크게 상관이 없습니다.
그러나 체질에 따라 다를수 있으므로 반응을 보면서 약하게 또는 취향에따라 진하게 조절하는것이 좋습니다.
한방약재는 상품구매시에는 끓여드시는 용법이 적힌 설명서를 동봉해드립니다.
문: 여러가지 건강식품을 함께 먹어도 되나요?
답: 프린스 허브 건강식품은 체질에 상관없이 누구나 부담없이 드실수 있는 식품입니다.
한날 한번에 많은양을 몰아서 섭취하시는것보다 매일 일정량을 챙겨 드시는것이 좋습니다.
문: 현재 팔고있는 약재를 어린아이가 먹어도 되나요?
답: 프린스 허브 건강식품은 표기된 재료만으로 만들어지며. 무방부제.무색소.무염표 등 식품 첨가물이 전혀 없습니다.
때문에 어린아이부터 연세 많은 어르신까지 부작용 걱정없이 섭취가 가능합니다.
(12세이하 아동)어린아이는 성인의 절반정도의 양을 주십시오.
문: 프린스 허브 약초를 의약품과 함께 섭취해도 될까요?
답: 한약,각종비타민,치료을 목적으로한 의약품과 함께 드실수 있습니다.
의약품과는 별개로 건강에 좋은 식품을 드신다고 생각해주십시오.
단. 특수질병따른 주의식품이 있거나, 특정한 식품에 알레르기가 있는분은 건강식품에 표기된 재료를 확인후에 드시기 바랍니다.
문: 환/분말 섭취 방법은 어떻게 되나요?
답: 분말식품은 1일 2-3회 1회 섭취시 3-5g(1-2 티스푼) 씩 물에 타서 드십시오.( 입맛에 맞게 많이 드시거나 음식조리시 사용해도 좋습니다.)
건강환은 1일 2~3회 1회 섭취시 10~20환을 물과 함께 섭취하십시오.
문: 약재 끓이는 시간은 어떻게 계산하나요?
답: 약재에 따라다릅니다.
잎의 경우: 15~20분 끓여줍니다.
단단한 열매나 뿌리, 줄기의 경우: 먼저 약재를 1~2시간 정도 물에 담궜다 끓이면
시간도 절약하고 많이, 또 깊이 우러납니다.
문: 현재 팔고있는 약재외에 다른 약재도 구할 수 있나요?
답: 모든 약재를 취급할 수는 없으나 e-mail (을 남겨주시면
궁금한 사항, 구매까지도 도와드릴수 있습니다.
문: 가정에 가지고있는 약재와 프린스허브 약재를 배합할 수 있나요?
답: 가정에 이미 구비한 약재들은 5~10g 씩 함께 끓여먹는것도 좋습니다.
한가지의 약재만 끓여먹는것도 좋지만 2~3가지 약재들을 배합하여 끓이면 대체로 효과 면에서는 더 도움이됩니다.
하지만 모든 약재들은 천연 독 성분을 가지고 있으므로 감초를 1~2개 넣어 끓이는 것이 천연 독 성분 제거에 좋습니다.
On skin
You can apply shea butter directly to your skin. Raw, unrefined shea butter is easy to spread.
You can use your fingers to scoop a teaspoon or so of shea butter from your jar, and then rub it onto your skin until it’s completely absorbed.
Shea butter is slippery and can keep makeup from adhering to your face, so you may prefer to apply it at night before bed.
On hair
Raw shea butter can also be applied directly to your hair.
If your hair is naturally curly or porous, consider using shea butter as a conditioner. Make sure your hair has absorbed most of the shea butter before rinsing and styling as usual. You can also use a small amount of shea butter as a leave-in conditioner.
If your hair is naturally straight, thin, or fine, consider using shea butter on the ends of your hair. Applying shea butter to your roots may cause an oily-looking buildup.
Shea butter should be stored slightly below room temperature, so that it stays solid and easy to spread.
시어버터 사용법
① 얼굴 및 피부에 바르는 시어버터 사용법
상온에서는 고체인 상태기에 손바닥에 올려 체온으로 액체가 될때 까지 잘 녹여 준 후 사용부위에 마사지하듯 하루 2~3회 정도 발라주면 됩니다.
② 목욕 할 때 쓰는 시어버터 사용법
욕조에 따뜻한 물을 받아 쉐어버터를 잘 풀어주고 입욕하면 바디로션을 바른 것 처럼 촉촉해지는데 목욕할때 잃게 되는 피부 속 수분을 줄이는데 도움이 됩니다.
③ 모발을 위한 시어버터 사용법
두피 또는 모발에 발라주고 헤어캡 등으로 따뜻해 질 수 있도록 감싸줍니다.
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