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What is Loquat Leaf?
Loquat leaves originate in the southeastern part of China and perhaps Korea,Japan. Loquat fruit is consumed by various cultures for culinary and healing purposes. The fruit resembles a cross between a mango and a peach in both taste and appearance. The leaves and fruit have high concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
The fruit is sometimes used as a sedative and is thought to reduce vomiting and excessive thirst. Leaves may possibly relieve diarrhea, support a healthy mood, counteract intoxication, and may also reduce swelling. Some of these benefits are cited by Eastern tradition, but many of the traditional benefits have scientific backing.
Health Benefits of Organic Loquat Leaf
Loquat leaf has been scientifically shown to possess incredible health benefits. Below are some the most common uses for this natural herb.
Loquat Leaf Supports Mucous Membranes
In our Detox Foot Pads®, organic loquat leaf extract may support the body’s natural detoxification process by acting as a mucolytic agent. This may help dissolve thick mucus that holds onto toxic compounds.
Loquat Leaf Releases Antioxidants
We now know that loquat leaf helps the body release antioxidants, the incredible health-supporting compounds that your body naturally produces. Antioxidants have all kinds of benefits, but they’re known mostly for their ability to neutralize harmful toxins. They are commonly used to protect the body against various diseases, support immunity, and possibly increase life expectancy.
Loquat Leaf Combats Diabetes
Out of all of its benefits, one of organic loquat’s most impressive ability is that it may help combat diabetes. Loquat leaf produces a variety of chemicals called triterpenes. One of the most important acids in this class of chemicals is tormentic acid. Tormentic acid has been shown to increase insulin production which may help reduce the symptoms related to diabetes. It has been approved by the Chinese government as a blood-sugar supporter because it produces a set of natural bodily chemicals known as polysaccharides, compounds that have also been shown to increase insulin production.
Loquat Leaf Supports the Pancreas
Diabetes is a debilitating, degenerative disease. The administering of insulin helps, but anything that can assist the pancreas is of primary importance. The only way to approach type II diabetes is to either give the body insulin injections or to help the pancreas produce insulin by regenerating its cells. We have strong evidence that organic loquat leaf supports pancreatic cells, which increases the production of insulin.
Loquat Leaf and Skin Redness
One of loquat leaf’s oldest reported benefits is the reduction of skin redness. When loquat leaf is used in topical cream, it can combat edema and histamine-induced skin contraction. In short, loquat may help soothe the skin and provide balance for skin health. Skin inflammation can often be painful and the soothing effect of loquat leaf can be very beneficial.
Loquat Leaf and Skin Cancer
Another benefit of loquat leaf that’s getting much exploration is its role in skin cancer. One of the major drugs that is used to combat the side effects of chemotherapy is adriamycin, and loquat leaf is thought to help reduce the side effects associated with this drug.
Loquat Leaf and Viruses
Standard viruses are subject to the power of the loquat leaf. Evidence suggests that the loquat leaf produces a variety of acids that have an antiviral effect. These acids produce antigens, which are antiviral agents. Two of these chemicals are called megastigmane glycosides and polyphenolic constituents, both of which are known to produce viral antigens. Furthermore, the triterpene chemicals may help reduce rhinovirus, or the common cold.
Loquat Leaf Assists the Liver in Detoxifying Chemicals
The pancreas isn’t the only bodily organ that organic loquat leaf helps. It also helps the liver. Loquat leaf contains a substance known as Amygdalin, and this substance is known to help combat liver disorders as well as supporting the liver’s ability to process and eliminate poisons in the body. It is somewhat controversial as to how effective amygdalin is in the support of liver problems, but many believe that the controversy is due largely to excessively Western modes of thinking about health. Amygdalin, incidentally, is thought to have its benefits through antioxidation effects.
Q: How much water should I boil with how much tea/herb?
A: Generally you boil 20g of tea/herb with 2L. of water. The ratio does not matter. However, it is recommended that you control the
saturation of the tea (how strong it is) depending on your personal preference and body condition.
Q: How do you calculate how much time you should boil water with tea/herb?
A: It depends on the tea/herb.
For leaves: boil for 15~20 min.
For hard fruits, roots, and stems: If you soak the tea/herb in water
for 1~2 hours before boiling, you can save time in boiling, and also get a deeper flavor than without soaking.
Q: Do you sell other tea/herbs not listed on the site?
A: Currently, what is listed on the site is what we mostly deal with in retail stores. However,
if there is a certain tea/herb that you wish to get, you can send an email to Then, we may offer a price for obtaining the tea/herb, answer questions, and even offer purchase.
Q: Can you mix household tea/herbs with Princeherb's tea/herbs?
A: Yes, you can combine 5~10g of teas/herbs that you already have with's teas/herbs.
Although brewing one tea/herb is still good, combining 2~3 teas/herbs helps bring out the remedial effects of the tea/herbs better than brewing just one tea/herb. However, most tea/herbs contain natural toxins, and it is recommended that you boil 1~2 pieces of liquorice root along with the tea/herb to remove the toxin.
Q: What is the direction of Natural Pills & Powder?
A: Pills : 2~3 times a day / 10~20 pills each time. / Powder : Mix 1~2 tsp of powder with water, milk, rice, or soup.
No Caffeine, No Chemical Additives. No Food Color, No Antisepic.
자주 하시는 질문
문: 프린스허브 건강약초는 어떻게 먹어야 하나요?
답: 대체로 2L. 의 물의 양에 20g 의 약재는 차(Tea) 의 개념이므로 크게 상관이 없습니다.
그러나 체질에 따라 다를수 있으므로 반응을 보면서 약하게 또는 취향에따라 진하게 조절하는것이 좋습니다.
한방약재는 상품구매시에는 끓여드시는 용법이 적힌 설명서를 동봉해드립니다.
문: 여러가지 건강식품을 함께 먹어도 되나요?
답: 프린스 허브 건강식품은 체질에 상관없이 누구나 부담없이 드실수 있는 식품입니다.
한날 한번에 많은양을 몰아서 섭취하시는것보다 매일 일정량을 챙겨 드시는것이 좋습니다.
문: 현재 팔고있는 약재를 어린아이가 먹어도 되나요?
답: 프린스 허브 건강식품은 표기된 재료만으로 만들어지며. 무방부제.무색소.무염표 등 식품 첨가물이 전혀 없습니다.
때문에 어린아이부터 연세 많은 어르신까지 부작용 걱정없이 섭취가 가능합니다.
(12세이하 아동)어린아이는 성인의 절반정도의 양을 주십시오.
문: 프린스 허브 약초를 의약품과 함께 섭취해도 될까요?
답: 한약,각종비타민,치료을 목적으로한 의약품과 함께 드실수 있습니다.
의약품과는 별개로 건강에 좋은 식품을 드신다고 생각해주십시오.
단. 특수질병따른 주의식품이 있거나, 특정한 식품에 알레르기가 있는분은 건강식품에 표기된 재료를 확인후에 드시기 바랍니다.
문: 환/분말 섭취 방법은 어떻게 되나요?
답: 분말식품은 1일 2-3회 1회 섭취시 3-5g(1-2 티스푼) 씩 물에 타서 드십시오.( 입맛에 맞게 많이 드시거나 음식조리시 사용해도 좋습니다.)
건강환은 1일 2~3회 1회 섭취시 10~20환을 물과 함께 섭취하십시오.
문: 약재 끓이는 시간은 어떻게 계산하나요?
답: 약재에 따라다릅니다.
잎의 경우: 15~20분 끓여줍니다.
단단한 열매나 뿌리, 줄기의 경우: 먼저 약재를 1~2시간 정도 물에 담궜다 끓이면
시간도 절약하고 많이, 또 깊이 우러납니다.
문: 현재 팔고있는 약재외에 다른 약재도 구할 수 있나요?
답: 모든 약재를 취급할 수는 없으나 e-mail (을 남겨주시면
궁금한 사항, 구매까지도 도와드릴수 있습니다.
문: 가정에 가지고있는 약재와 프린스허브 약재를 배합할 수 있나요?
답: 가정에 이미 구비한 약재들은 5~10g 씩 함께 끓여먹는것도 좋습니다.
한가지의 약재만 끓여먹는것도 좋지만 2~3가지 약재들을 배합하여 끓이면 대체로 효과 면에서는 더 도움이됩니다.
하지만 모든 약재들은 천연 독 성분을 가지고 있으므로 감초를 1~2개 넣어 끓이는 것이 천연 독 성분 제거에 좋습니다.
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